
People who own improv theatres, have taught improv for over 25 years and who have failed (only to succeed later) describe some of my guests on the David is Curious podcast. Vinny Francios – owner of the Improv College and Camp ZipZap Jay Sukow – owner of Today Improv and one of my favorite improvContinue reading “Podcast”

Barry Wright

(photo credit Kiirstn Pagan – https://kiirstnpagan.com/)  This actually goes back all the way to when I first started taking improv classes.  My wife, Kristen, had been taking classes for about two years, and she and her friends had been cajoling me to try it for just about as long.  I was working at a local (Baltimore,Continue reading “Barry Wright”

Donation Links

I’ve curated a list donation links for improv groups and companies. This global improv community benefits when we give-and-take in a cycle of supporting one another. The goal is to have more sustainable improv projects and communities, but sometimes that process needs a little boost. It is helpful to donate big amounts or even smallContinue reading “Donation Links”

Andel Sudik

QUESTION #1: Hypothetical. You have unlimited budget and space constraints. You are going to design a Lego set. This lego set is “Andel’s perfect improv space.” What comes in the set? A cafe with wall of books and nooks connecting a large black box-like space for rehearsal and shows with a row of restrooms (likeContinue reading “Andel Sudik”

Carlos Moreno

QUESTION #1: What things do you love about improv? First and foremost, I love the sense of shared possibility. And, to me, both words are key here: shared and possibility. Shared because togetherness and mutual support are what makes improv magical; what sets it apart from writing and other art-forms (which I also enjoy). In my experience, improv has an amazing power toContinue reading “Carlos Moreno”

Louise Croombs

QUESTION #1: Imagine the entire improv set as a sandwich.  Besides the bread (intro and outro) what usually goes into that sandwich? My autistic brain is challenged to see improv as a sandwich but if I were to see it as a sandwich, as in your analogy, it would be a BLT. Vegetarian bacon inContinue reading “Louise Croombs”

Kat Kenny

QUESTION #1: The definition of an “omen” is a sign of how a future event takes place.  Are there any “omens” in improv?  Good or bad.  Oooh, interesting question! Ok, To me, A good omen for an improv show is regular, consistent practice with your cast. Playing with a cast of actors who are all passionateContinue reading “Kat Kenny”

Pranavi Pullagummi

Pranavi was kind enough to translate this interview into Telugu and English. This was a really eye-opening interview for me. I am always interested in the role language plays in communication. If you want to find out more about Tegulu here is a link to the Wikipedia page. మొదటి ప్రశ్న: మీరు Improv Scene చేస్తున్నప్పుడు  మీరుContinue reading “Pranavi Pullagummi”